When I try only to erase the chip (using the -e command line argument) I get an 'avrdude done. Int i //Initialize variable to count through each LED Init_io() //Set up the pins that control the LEDs #include //Include the headers that allow for a delay functionĭDRB = (1 << PB0)|(1<< PB1)|(1 << PB2)|(1 << PB3)|(1 << PB4) // Set LED pins as outputs #include //Include the headers that handles Input/Output function for AVR chips The blink code is : #define F_CPU 1000000UL //Define the speed the clock is running at.
I'm running GNU/Linux and using this arguments to avrdude to program the AtTiny2313 : avrdude -c avrisp -p attiny2313 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 19200 -v -U flash:w:blink.hex The AtTiny2313 is stand alone and I have NOT connected a crystal to it. I'm trying to use the arduino (Duelmilanove with AtMega328) loaded with ArduinoISP sketch and program a AtTiny2313.